
When author Cheryl Shireman became a Christian relatively late in life (in her 40s), she was often so amazed and overwhelmed by the new events and circumstances in her life that she often told friends and family, "Its gotta be God". She used the phrase so often that one of her friends bought Cheryl a beautiful cross necklace and inscribed Gotta Be God on the back of the cross.
Now, Cheryl is collecting God stories from other Christians to create a book to inspire both believers and non-believers. It will not only make a thoughtful gift for other Christians in your life, but will also serve as a great tool for evangelism. Your friend might not accept an invitation to church, but they just might be intrigued by the stories in this book. After reading these stories, it is difficult to come to any other conclusion than its just gotta be God.
We are very excited about this book and this opportunity to share evidence of the love of God across the world. Thank you for taking the time to stop by. Be sure to sign up for the Email Updates so you will be the first to be notified of the release of the book.
If you, or someone you know, has a God story that they would like to share, please fill out our Submit Your Story form and that story just might be included in the book. We are looking forward to hearing from you.